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Job Category
Showing 1 - 20 of 72 vacancies
Showing 1 - 20 of 72 vacancies
Current vacancies
RefVacancyLocationLocation typeSalaryClosing Date 
27348West London Strategic Partnership - AdministratorWest London, United KingdomHome Based- Non Regional££23,868 - £29,60626/03/2025View
27370Supported Internship Job CoachYorkshire, United KingdomSite/office£24,520 - £30,093 FTE26/03/2025View
 Senior Youth Support Worker - Wendover HouseNottingham, NottinghamshireHome Based- Non Regional£28,019 - £30,343 per annum (Inclusive of 1 sleep-in per week)26/03/2025View
27355Supported Internship Tutor with Job Coaching (High Wycombe)Buckinghamshire, United KingdomSite/office£24,520 - £30,093 FTE28/03/2025View
27390Justice Case WorkerHertfordshire, United KingdomSite/office£25,538 - £31,16628/03/2025View
27404Assurance ManagerHomebased, NationwideHome Based- Non Regional£39,007 - £44,57928/03/2025View
27236Justice Case WorkerOxford, OxfordshireSite/office £26,049 - £31,79030/03/2025View
27416CFO Peripatetic Case Worker Oxford, OxfordshireHome Based- Regional£26,049 - £31,79030/03/2025View
 Residential Youth Support Worker - Kimber House - Part TimeNottingham, NottinghamshireSite/office£12,899 - £13,165.50 per annum (base salary). With an earning potential of £29,515.12 - £30,048.12 (inclusive of on average 1 sleep in per week & your attendance allowance of £1,400 per annum).31/03/2025View
26948Evolution Wing Facilitator - HMPBanstead, South LondonSite/office£28,093 - £33,72231/03/2025View
 Justice Case WorkerMaidstone, KentSite/office£26,049 - £31,79031/03/2025View
27028Team Leader - Care LeaversGloucester, GloucestershireSite/office£38,038 per annum31/03/2025View
27051Senior Youth Support Worker (Harris)Bicester, OxfordshireSite/office£27,758 - £30,275 per annum (base salary)31/03/2025View
27082Senior Youth Support Worker (Orchard)Bedford, BedfordshireSite/officeNon-Qualified - £27,785 per annum Qualified - £30,275 per annum31/03/2025View
 Senior Residential Support Worker (New Residential Home) - Autumn HouseMansfield, NottinghamshireSite/officeSalary: £27,785.00 - £30,275.00 per annum31/03/2025View
 Residential Youth Support Worker - Hillside HouseNottingham, NottinghamshireSite/office£26,544- £28,471 per annum (Inclusive of average sleep-in payments and attendance bonus)31/03/2025View
 Residential Youth Support Worker - Part Time - Hillside HouseNottingham, NottinghamshireSite/office£26,544- £28,471 per annum (Inclusive of average sleep-in payments and attendance bonus)31/03/2025View
 Senior Children's Home Support Worker - Swan HouseNottingham, NottinghamshireSite/office£28,019 - £30,343 per annum (Inclusive of 1 sleep-in per week)31/03/2025View
 Senior Children's Home Support Worker - Dove HouseNottingham, NottinghamshireSite/office£28,019 - £30,343 per annum (Inclusive of 1 sleep-in per week)31/03/2025View
 Senior Children's Home Support Worker - School HouseSutton-in-Ashfield, NottinghamshireSite/officeunqualified £27,785.00 - £31,502.00 / Qualified £30,275.00 - £33,992.00 – (both Inclusive of your attendance allowance of £1,400 per annum and 1 sleep-in per week at £44.56 each)31/03/2025View

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